E-commerce Logistics Automation

ShipAny Smart Logistics Gateway
Bring Comprehensive Logistics Service to Your Online Store

Top-up & Ship Now

Free Registration, Top-up Shipping Fee, Enjoy Diversified Logistics Service & Submit Order Instantly 

Logistics Automation

Automatic Rate Quotation, Order Submission, Parcel Collection, Waybill Printing & Tracking

Diversified Options

Door-to-Door, Smart Locker, Convenience Store, Post Office, Cold-Chain & International Options


E-commerce has a strong demand for logistics services. ShipAny one-stop logistics SaaS platform interconnects multiple e-commerce platforms to multiple logistics service providers with the capability to enhance and streamline logistics operations for e-commerce merchants. ShipAny Merchants can enjoy full-set features of logistics automation for the e-commerce platform which disrupts the manual logistics process and bring eCommerce to the new generation.

Register and Ship Now
Rate & Extra Protection

Real-time shipping quotes and comparisons. Optional to purchase extra protection to get compensation in case of parcel lost or damaged

Logistics Automation

Full support for automated operations includes rate quotation, order submission, parcel collection, waybill printing & tracking

Diversified Options

Provide door-to-door, smart locker, convenience store, post office, cold-chain & international logistics options

Top-up & Billing

Self-register ShipAny account , top-up shipping fee and no need other logistics account. Single monthly statement for multiple logistics providers

Store Plugin & API

Seamlessly connect logistics services through Shopify, Magento, WooCommerce ShipAny plugins, ShipAny API or ShipAny Web Portal

Warehouse & Packing

ShipAny connecting warehouse operators to provide one-stop real-time inventory management & pick-n-pack service

SHIPANY Logistics Courier

ShipAny believes more choices are the best choice!
We will continue to connect more logistics providers so that online store merchants and consumers could enjoy more comprehensive logistics services.

SF Express


Kerry Express


JD Logistics


EF Locker

Havi Cold

HK Post

OK Store

7-11 Store



ZTO Express



Alfred Locker


ShipAny – Pay By Sender

Free Subscription


  • No Subscription & Transaction Fee
  • Just Pay Shipping Fee
  • No Minimum Orders Required
  • No Courier Account Required
ShipAny Rate Calculator

ShipAny – Pay By Receiver

HKD 2 / Order


  • No Subscription Fee
  • Just Pay Transaction Fee
  • Shipping Fee Paid By Receiver
  • No Courier Account Required


ShipAny Care

  • Optional to Purchase Extra Protection
  • Fee is 3% of Declared Value of Parcel
  • Parcel Lost or Damaged Compensation

*All protection plans provided by OneDegree

ShipAny – Warehouse Connection

HKD 2 / Order


  • No Subscription Fee
  • Just Pay Transaction Fee
  • Direct Pay Warehouse Fee to Operator
  • No Minimum Orders Required

ShipAny – Courier Service Point Listing

HKD 100 / Month


  • 14 Days Free Trial
  • List Courier Service Points at Checkout
  • List of Lockers, Stations & Post Offices
  • Fee Waived if Shipped via ShipAny

ShipAny – Waybill Label Printer

HKD 100 / Month
x 6 Months


  • 6 x $100 Monthly Instalments
  • Fee Waived if Shipped 30 Orders

Connect Logistics

ShipAny logistics platform supports multiple online stores and E-commerce platform systems. ShipAny Merchants could also login ShipAny Web Portal or through ShipAny API to connect multiple logistics service providers seamlessly.

Register and Ship NowShipAny e-Learning

Awards and Recognition

Asia Smart App Awards 2022/23

Certificate of Merit

Corporate Innovation Index (CII) Award 2022

SME Three-Star Award

Hong Kong ICT Awards 2021

Smart Mobility (Smart Logistics)
Gold Award

HKRMA Smart Retailing Award 2020

Smart Retail Tech
Gold Award

Powered by SHIPANY

ShipAny is serving 5,500+ online stores and supporting the growth of e-commerce with merchants

HSBC Business Go

HSBC Business Internet Banking users can now directly log in to the ShipAny one-stop smart logistics platform through “HSBC Business Go” platform to enjoy the most comprehensive online store logistics services in Hong Kong.

Learn More

Contact us

We love meeting people interested in technology.
Get in touch with us to see how we can boost e-commerce growth together!

+852 31688808
